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5th International Indonesia Forum

Call for Paper
Co-Sponsored by:
Yale University and Gadjah Mada University

9-10 July 2012
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Between the Mountain and the Sea: Positioning Indonesia.

Call for Papers

The past dozen years since the fall of Suharto saw dramatic
transformations in various aspects of life in Indonesia. From being a
country in distress, in danger of dissolution, plagued by economic
crisis and violence and battered by man-made and natural disasters,
Indonesia now cuts a figure, or so we are told, of a rising Garuda
poised to claim a prominent place in the world. Inside Indonesia the
struggle against corruption, lawlessness and intolerance is ongoing
and more and more Indonesian citizens are becoming aware of their
positions in their own community within Indonesia and beyond. It is
precisely the enormous diversity of the physical, socio-economic,
cultural and political contexts of Indonesian people's lived
experience that sets a fluid and fertile, if contested, grounds for
(re)imagining and (re)positioning Indonesia in the scheme of
things--global, regional, local, transnational or translocal.

As an interdisciplinary conference bringing together once again
scholars from Indonesia and many other nations, the fifth
International Indonesia Forum seeks to provide a platform for
scholars who keenly follow developments in Indonesia to discuss the
various ways and contexts by which the state, scholars, individuals,
civil society organizations, and other interest groups have recreated,
redefined or re-imagined Indonesia's past, present and future in
response to, or along with, its changes: political, environmental,
climatic, religious, conceptual, geo-strategic, social, pop cultural,
and intellectual. Papers that deal with the various aspects of
positioning Indonesia in the global or regional stage, in the
increasingly fragile natural environment, as well as positioning
Indonesian citizens and communities within this multicultural nation
are welcome.

The fifth International Indonesia Forum Conference sponsored by Yale
University and Gadjah Mada University will be held at Gadjah Mada
University in Yogyakarta on 9-10 July 2012.

Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to
submit a one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or MSWord) to Frank
Dhont at the following address: All papers will
be presented in English. Deadline for submission of abstracts: March
31, 2012

For information on IIF's previous International Conferences see here

Conference Organizers:
Andrew M. Carruthers, Yale University
Frank Dhont, Yale University
Heddy Shri Ahimsha Putra, Gadjah Mada University
Maya Septriana, Gadjah Mada University
Rommel A. Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam
Sri Margana, Gadjah Mada University
Thomas J. Conners, University of Maryland

Cooperating Institutions:
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
Indonesian History Studies Centre, Sanata Dharma University
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Diponegoro University
Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University

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