International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) Summer School in Dublin, Ireland
From 9 to 20 July 2012, the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) will convene its fourth Summer School on Emissions Trading for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries Dublin, Ireland. Designed for 25 to 30 carefully selected policy makers and other stakeholders from the nongovernmental, academic and private sectors, it will convey an in-depth understanding of emissions trading as an instrument to mitigate greenhouse gases, and build capacity on the technical design and implementation of carbon trading systems. Over the span of two weeks, participants will have ample networking opportunities with each other and with the teaching faculty, composed of representatives from ICAP members and other recognized experts in the field. Use of modern communication technologies will help promote active discussions among participants beyond the duration of the Summer School.
Course Content
The ICAP Summer School will introduce participants to the concept of emissions trading as a policy instrument, and provide illustration by way of case studies. The course will also cover emissions trading as a feature of the international climate regime, and explore the opportunities offered by creating an international carbon market of linked domestic and regional systems and taking into account the specific needs and interests of developing countries. The ICAP Summer School will address a range of pertinent issues, including allocation methods, offset mechanisms, questions relating to the scope and coverage of a trading scheme, the need for adequate monitoring, reporting and verification, and registry design and implementation. It will also cover the value of economic analysis in the run-up to an ETS, anticipate future developments and identify options for market links between different trading systems. Team-building activities are an important component of the ICAP Summer School and will be fostered through break-out sessions and frequent working groups. A detailed program will be made available to those applicants who have been selected for participation.
Teaching Faculty
Teaching faculty for the Summer School will consist of experienced decision makers from the relevant administrative authorities in ICAP member jurisdictions, as well as practitioners and representatives from established educational and research institutions active in the area of emissions trading and climate policy. With this combination of different backgrounds, the faculty not only guarantees a high level of technical expertise and practical experience, but also promotes the creation of an active network between Summer School participants, government officials and the research and advisory community. Course material will be provided by recognized experts on the technical and institutional aspects of climate policy and emissions trading.
Participation is open to applicants from emerging economies and developing countries from around the world. Applicants should be stakeholders from the nongovernmental, academic and private sectors as well as policy makers who are or will be involved in deciding on, designing and implementing emissions trading systems. Participants will be selected based on defined criteria that take into account a balanced mixture of professional backgrounds and nationalities. Final confirmation of participants will rest with ICAP. Detailed application instructions are available on the ICAP website.
Logistical Arrangements
The ICAP Summer School will be carried out from 9 to 20 July in Dublin, Ireland. Accommodation, catering and local transportation for all participants during the Summer School will be covered by the organizers. Travel expenses can be reimbursed on the basis of individual need. Participants from Israel, Korea and Singapore will be expected to cover their own travel expenses. Further details will be made available to those applicants who have been selected for participation.
The ICAP Summer School 2012 is implemented by the Ecologic Institute and Deutsche Ge-sellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
This Summer School is funded by the European Union.
Application deadline is 22 March 2012. The course will be conducted in English. Applications are to be submitted in English. Detailed application instructions are available on the ICAP website, contact email:
Kuliah Umum Gender
Label: gender, kuliah umum
SELASA, 6 MARET PK. 13.00 – 16.00
Hari Perempuan Internasional, 8 Maret 2012 yang akan datang secara
global mengambil tema Connecting girls, inspiring futures. Persoalan anak dan remaja perempuan. Kuliah Umum hari perempuan Internasional yang diselenggarakan Program Studi Kajian Gender UI akan mengkaji aspek ekonomi.Bagaimana persoalan
pendidikan, kesehatan, serta hak anak dan remaja perempuan dipengaruhi oleh,
dan berimplikasi pada kondisi ekonomi masyarakat secara lebih luas?
Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti
Ir. Nani Zulminarni, MS
Moderator: Dr. Kristi Poerwandari
Selasa, 6 Maret 2012
Pk. 13.00 – 16.00
Program Studi Kajian Gender, Gedung Rektorat Lt 4,
Kampus UI Salemba
Mahasiswa, lulusan dan pengajar Prodi Kajian Gender UI, juga masyarakat umum yang berminat pada topik di atas dapat hadir dan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi no telp: 021-3160788 atau 3907407, atau ke alamat imel:, 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 23.22
SELASA, 6 MARET PK. 13.00 – 16.00
Hari Perempuan Internasional, 8 Maret 2012 yang akan datang secara
global mengambil tema Connecting girls, inspiring futures. Persoalan anak dan remaja perempuan. Kuliah Umum hari perempuan Internasional yang diselenggarakan Program Studi Kajian Gender UI akan mengkaji aspek ekonomi.Bagaimana persoalan
pendidikan, kesehatan, serta hak anak dan remaja perempuan dipengaruhi oleh,
dan berimplikasi pada kondisi ekonomi masyarakat secara lebih luas?
Pembicara: Prof. Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti
Ir. Nani Zulminarni, MS
Moderator: Dr. Kristi Poerwandari
Selasa, 6 Maret 2012
Pk. 13.00 – 16.00
Program Studi Kajian Gender, Gedung Rektorat Lt 4,
Kampus UI Salemba
Mahasiswa, lulusan dan pengajar Prodi Kajian Gender UI, juga masyarakat umum yang berminat pada topik di atas dapat hadir dan informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi no telp: 021-3160788 atau 3907407, atau ke alamat imel:, 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 23.22
5th International Indonesia Forum
Call for Paper
Co-Sponsored by:
Yale University and Gadjah Mada University
9-10 July 2012
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Between the Mountain and the Sea: Positioning Indonesia.
Call for Papers
The past dozen years since the fall of Suharto saw dramatic
transformations in various aspects of life in Indonesia. From being a
country in distress, in danger of dissolution, plagued by economic
crisis and violence and battered by man-made and natural disasters,
Indonesia now cuts a figure, or so we are told, of a rising Garuda
poised to claim a prominent place in the world. Inside Indonesia the
struggle against corruption, lawlessness and intolerance is ongoing
and more and more Indonesian citizens are becoming aware of their
positions in their own community within Indonesia and beyond. It is
precisely the enormous diversity of the physical, socio-economic,
cultural and political contexts of Indonesian people's lived
experience that sets a fluid and fertile, if contested, grounds for
(re)imagining and (re)positioning Indonesia in the scheme of
things--global, regional, local, transnational or translocal.
As an interdisciplinary conference bringing together once again
scholars from Indonesia and many other nations, the fifth
International Indonesia Forum seeks to provide a platform for
scholars who keenly follow developments in Indonesia to discuss the
various ways and contexts by which the state, scholars, individuals,
civil society organizations, and other interest groups have recreated,
redefined or re-imagined Indonesia's past, present and future in
response to, or along with, its changes: political, environmental,
climatic, religious, conceptual, geo-strategic, social, pop cultural,
and intellectual. Papers that deal with the various aspects of
positioning Indonesia in the global or regional stage, in the
increasingly fragile natural environment, as well as positioning
Indonesian citizens and communities within this multicultural nation
are welcome.
The fifth International Indonesia Forum Conference sponsored by Yale
University and Gadjah Mada University will be held at Gadjah Mada
University in Yogyakarta on 9-10 July 2012.
Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to
submit a one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or MSWord) to Frank
Dhont at the following address: All papers will
be presented in English. Deadline for submission of abstracts: March
31, 2012.
For information on IIF's previous International Conferences see here
Conference Organizers:
Andrew M. Carruthers, Yale University
Frank Dhont, Yale University
Heddy Shri Ahimsha Putra, Gadjah Mada University
Maya Septriana, Gadjah Mada University
Rommel A. Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam
Sri Margana, Gadjah Mada University
Thomas J. Conners, University of Maryland
Cooperating Institutions:
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
Indonesian History Studies Centre, Sanata Dharma University
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Diponegoro University
Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 23.02
Co-Sponsored by:
Yale University and Gadjah Mada University
9-10 July 2012
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Between the Mountain and the Sea: Positioning Indonesia.
Call for Papers
The past dozen years since the fall of Suharto saw dramatic
transformations in various aspects of life in Indonesia. From being a
country in distress, in danger of dissolution, plagued by economic
crisis and violence and battered by man-made and natural disasters,
Indonesia now cuts a figure, or so we are told, of a rising Garuda
poised to claim a prominent place in the world. Inside Indonesia the
struggle against corruption, lawlessness and intolerance is ongoing
and more and more Indonesian citizens are becoming aware of their
positions in their own community within Indonesia and beyond. It is
precisely the enormous diversity of the physical, socio-economic,
cultural and political contexts of Indonesian people's lived
experience that sets a fluid and fertile, if contested, grounds for
(re)imagining and (re)positioning Indonesia in the scheme of
things--global, regional, local, transnational or translocal.
As an interdisciplinary conference bringing together once again
scholars from Indonesia and many other nations, the fifth
International Indonesia Forum seeks to provide a platform for
scholars who keenly follow developments in Indonesia to discuss the
various ways and contexts by which the state, scholars, individuals,
civil society organizations, and other interest groups have recreated,
redefined or re-imagined Indonesia's past, present and future in
response to, or along with, its changes: political, environmental,
climatic, religious, conceptual, geo-strategic, social, pop cultural,
and intellectual. Papers that deal with the various aspects of
positioning Indonesia in the global or regional stage, in the
increasingly fragile natural environment, as well as positioning
Indonesian citizens and communities within this multicultural nation
are welcome.
The fifth International Indonesia Forum Conference sponsored by Yale
University and Gadjah Mada University will be held at Gadjah Mada
University in Yogyakarta on 9-10 July 2012.
Persons wishing to present papers at the conference are invited to
submit a one-page abstract in electronic form (PDF or MSWord) to Frank
Dhont at the following address: All papers will
be presented in English. Deadline for submission of abstracts: March
31, 2012.
For information on IIF's previous International Conferences see here
Conference Organizers:
Andrew M. Carruthers, Yale University
Frank Dhont, Yale University
Heddy Shri Ahimsha Putra, Gadjah Mada University
Maya Septriana, Gadjah Mada University
Rommel A. Curaming, University of Brunei Darussalam
Sri Margana, Gadjah Mada University
Thomas J. Conners, University of Maryland
Cooperating Institutions:
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
Indonesian History Studies Centre, Sanata Dharma University
Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Diponegoro University
Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 23.02
Participatory Pop: Audiences, Life Styles and Fan Culture in 20th Century Southeast Asia
Label: workshop
Call for Papers
January 10-12, 2013, KITLV Jakarta, Jakarta.
This workshop focuses on Southeast Asian popular music and its
connection to the emergence of new audiences recognized by distinct
modern and fashionable lifestyles. People throughout twentieth century
Southeast Asia, articulated notions of ethnicity, religion, class,
gender, generation, modernity, nationalism, cosmopolitanism and a host
of other 'isms', in commercially produced music intended for mass
consumption. Through the consumption of popular music, social identities
are made audible and visible in life styles. This allows us to explore
from the angle of popular music processes of social differentiation and
social transformation.
Southeast Asian popular music studies are a burgeoning field with an
emphasis on the producing side of the spectrum. Since the 1990s
scholars working on other geographical areas have sought to go beyond
the traditional divide within the field of popular culture studies
between those focusing on either producers or consumers. Mainstream
media are critically interrogated for the tendency to ridicule
particular sections of the audience, especially fans, as passively
consuming and infantile people. Instead, writers such as Lewis and
Jenkins have shows fans to be a determent force in today's popular
culture industry that actively engage in reproducing and appropriating,
and often subvert pop music's initial meanings. We aim to address these
and related matters in the specific context of 20th century Southeast
Asia, where a music industry emerged as early as 1903 catering for its
own distinct audiences and specific local markets.
The workshop is part of the project Articulating Modernity; The Making
of Popular Music in Twentieth Century Southeast Asia and the Rise of New
Audiences hosted by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian
and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden and funded by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). KITLV Jakarta acts as host
for the workshop.
We aim to address those popular music audiences, the lifestyles, crazes
and fashions and the various forms of participatory culture that have
surfaced since the early 20th century and strongly endorse historical
approaches. We solicit papers on the following possible topics:
§ New musical fashions (dance crazes, clothing, slang, youth gangs,
associated with particular genres or artists)
§ Popular music and the press (the role of journalists, photographers,
designers that have helped to shape particular taste and lifestyles).
§ Cover bands (from imitation of 1960s American rock, cover bands to
today's K-Wave clones, reunion concerts, and reality soaps like Idols or
Akademi Fantasia)
§ Fan Culture (fan clubs, fanzines and fan gatherings, both on and offline)
§ Fandom and gender (from groupies to those looking for new glamorous
role models)
§ Antagonisms between consumer-turned-producer and the established
industries (remix culture, piracy and other forms of creative appropriation)
We encourage colleagues to submit papers within the areas of
anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, ethnomusicology, history and
related fields. Paper proposals, not exceeding 300 words, should be sent
to the programme committee no later than 30 April, 2012. Once accepted
we expect those selected to submit a full draft of about 7.500 words by
1 November, 2012. Travel fare up to a maximum of EUR 1000, - and
accommodation (3 nights) will be covered for those who submitted a full
paper by that date. Papers will serve as materials for an edited volume
that is due to be published in 2014.
The program committee consists of Henk Schulte Nordholt (KITLV),
Patricia Spyer (Leiden University), Peter Keppy (NIOD) and Bart
Barendregt (Leiden University/KITLV). All inquiries and abstracts can be
send to the latter, at 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.55
January 10-12, 2013, KITLV Jakarta, Jakarta.
This workshop focuses on Southeast Asian popular music and its
connection to the emergence of new audiences recognized by distinct
modern and fashionable lifestyles. People throughout twentieth century
Southeast Asia, articulated notions of ethnicity, religion, class,
gender, generation, modernity, nationalism, cosmopolitanism and a host
of other 'isms', in commercially produced music intended for mass
consumption. Through the consumption of popular music, social identities
are made audible and visible in life styles. This allows us to explore
from the angle of popular music processes of social differentiation and
social transformation.
Southeast Asian popular music studies are a burgeoning field with an
emphasis on the producing side of the spectrum. Since the 1990s
scholars working on other geographical areas have sought to go beyond
the traditional divide within the field of popular culture studies
between those focusing on either producers or consumers. Mainstream
media are critically interrogated for the tendency to ridicule
particular sections of the audience, especially fans, as passively
consuming and infantile people. Instead, writers such as Lewis and
Jenkins have shows fans to be a determent force in today's popular
culture industry that actively engage in reproducing and appropriating,
and often subvert pop music's initial meanings. We aim to address these
and related matters in the specific context of 20th century Southeast
Asia, where a music industry emerged as early as 1903 catering for its
own distinct audiences and specific local markets.
The workshop is part of the project Articulating Modernity; The Making
of Popular Music in Twentieth Century Southeast Asia and the Rise of New
Audiences hosted by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian
and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden and funded by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). KITLV Jakarta acts as host
for the workshop.
We aim to address those popular music audiences, the lifestyles, crazes
and fashions and the various forms of participatory culture that have
surfaced since the early 20th century and strongly endorse historical
approaches. We solicit papers on the following possible topics:
§ New musical fashions (dance crazes, clothing, slang, youth gangs,
associated with particular genres or artists)
§ Popular music and the press (the role of journalists, photographers,
designers that have helped to shape particular taste and lifestyles).
§ Cover bands (from imitation of 1960s American rock, cover bands to
today's K-Wave clones, reunion concerts, and reality soaps like Idols or
Akademi Fantasia)
§ Fan Culture (fan clubs, fanzines and fan gatherings, both on and offline)
§ Fandom and gender (from groupies to those looking for new glamorous
role models)
§ Antagonisms between consumer-turned-producer and the established
industries (remix culture, piracy and other forms of creative appropriation)
We encourage colleagues to submit papers within the areas of
anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, ethnomusicology, history and
related fields. Paper proposals, not exceeding 300 words, should be sent
to the programme committee no later than 30 April, 2012. Once accepted
we expect those selected to submit a full draft of about 7.500 words by
1 November, 2012. Travel fare up to a maximum of EUR 1000, - and
accommodation (3 nights) will be covered for those who submitted a full
paper by that date. Papers will serve as materials for an edited volume
that is due to be published in 2014.
The program committee consists of Henk Schulte Nordholt (KITLV),
Patricia Spyer (Leiden University), Peter Keppy (NIOD) and Bart
Barendregt (Leiden University/KITLV). All inquiries and abstracts can be
send to the latter, at 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.55
Pelatihan Relawan Jatam
Label: relawan
Jaringan Advokasi Tambang adalah jaringan organisasi non pemerintah (ornop) dan organisasi komunitas yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap masalahmasalah HAM, gender, lingkungan hidup, masyarakat adat dan isu-isu keadilan sosial dalam industri pertambangan dan migas.
Landasan JATAM adalah Pengelolaan secara adil dan bijak kekayaan tambang dan sumber energi hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar rakyat dan menjamin keberlanjutan keselamatan rakyat dan ekosistem kini dan masa depan”.
Filosofi dasar JATAM adalah terciptanya perlakuan yang adil dan keterlibatan bagi semua orang sejalan dengan hak-hak asasi manusia dan nilai-nilai lingkungan hidup. Filosofi ini merupakan motivator utama dibalik semua kegiatan JATAM.
Kegiatan-kegiatan JATAM bertujuan untuk mewujudkan hak hidup masyarakat Indonesia di lingkungan yang sehat, produktif, bahagia, dan berkelanjutan. Dalam kegiatannya JATAM dibatasi oleh Etika dan Nilai-nilai Dasar JATAM.
Kami Mengundang Anda Sebagai Relawan JATAM !!
Gerakan penyelamatan kehidupan dari penghancuran industri pertambangan harus melibatkan banyak elemen masyarakat hingga lebih masif dan mondial. Oleh karenanya. kami mengundang segenap warga negara Indonesia untuk turut bergabung.
Kesempatan ini terbuka untuk individu yang secara sadar, rela (tanpa paksaan), punya kepedulian terhadap isu pertambangan dan lingkungan hidup serta memiliki komitmen, aktif melakukan dukungan gerakan penyelamatan.
Menjadi bagian dalam JATAMers melalui satu rangkaian pendidikan relawan. Selain materi dasar kampanye dan advokasi, peserta juga akan mendapatkan pengalaman menarik terutama kerja-kerja bersama masyarakat korban.
Angkatan pertama pada tahun lalu, berhasil mencatatkan beberapa prestasi. Selain 9 kali gelar aksi tanpa kekerasan, “Melawan Lupa dan Kebohongan”. Juga mengelar kegiatan penggalangan dukungan publik dalam Sahabat Anak Lumpur.
Ayo bergabung sekarang.....!
Lalu, Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Relawan JATAM ?
Unduh formulir berikut di sini.
Isi dan lengkapi formulir kemudian kirimkan kembali ke sebelum tanggal 9 Maret 2012.
Selanjutnya panitia akan menghubungi anda.
Untuk informasi lengkapnya bisa di dapatkan langsung di :
Sekretariat Rumah Perlawanan JATAM
Jl. Mampang Prapatan II No. 30 Rt. 004 RW. 007 Jakarta 12790
Tlp. 021- 79181683 Fax. 021 7941559
Facebook : RALC JATAM
Saji :081310454417, email:
Harris Balubun : 081932263055/081287692113, email:
Priyo Pamungkas Kustiadi
Media Communication and Outreach
Jaringan Advokasi Tambang 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.38
Landasan JATAM adalah Pengelolaan secara adil dan bijak kekayaan tambang dan sumber energi hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar rakyat dan menjamin keberlanjutan keselamatan rakyat dan ekosistem kini dan masa depan”.
Filosofi dasar JATAM adalah terciptanya perlakuan yang adil dan keterlibatan bagi semua orang sejalan dengan hak-hak asasi manusia dan nilai-nilai lingkungan hidup. Filosofi ini merupakan motivator utama dibalik semua kegiatan JATAM.
Kegiatan-kegiatan JATAM bertujuan untuk mewujudkan hak hidup masyarakat Indonesia di lingkungan yang sehat, produktif, bahagia, dan berkelanjutan. Dalam kegiatannya JATAM dibatasi oleh Etika dan Nilai-nilai Dasar JATAM.
Kami Mengundang Anda Sebagai Relawan JATAM !!
Gerakan penyelamatan kehidupan dari penghancuran industri pertambangan harus melibatkan banyak elemen masyarakat hingga lebih masif dan mondial. Oleh karenanya. kami mengundang segenap warga negara Indonesia untuk turut bergabung.
Kesempatan ini terbuka untuk individu yang secara sadar, rela (tanpa paksaan), punya kepedulian terhadap isu pertambangan dan lingkungan hidup serta memiliki komitmen, aktif melakukan dukungan gerakan penyelamatan.
Menjadi bagian dalam JATAMers melalui satu rangkaian pendidikan relawan. Selain materi dasar kampanye dan advokasi, peserta juga akan mendapatkan pengalaman menarik terutama kerja-kerja bersama masyarakat korban.
Angkatan pertama pada tahun lalu, berhasil mencatatkan beberapa prestasi. Selain 9 kali gelar aksi tanpa kekerasan, “Melawan Lupa dan Kebohongan”. Juga mengelar kegiatan penggalangan dukungan publik dalam Sahabat Anak Lumpur.
Ayo bergabung sekarang.....!
Lalu, Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Relawan JATAM ?
Unduh formulir berikut di sini.
Isi dan lengkapi formulir kemudian kirimkan kembali ke sebelum tanggal 9 Maret 2012.
Selanjutnya panitia akan menghubungi anda.
Untuk informasi lengkapnya bisa di dapatkan langsung di :
Sekretariat Rumah Perlawanan JATAM
Jl. Mampang Prapatan II No. 30 Rt. 004 RW. 007 Jakarta 12790
Tlp. 021- 79181683 Fax. 021 7941559
Facebook : RALC JATAM
Saji :081310454417, email:
Harris Balubun : 081932263055/081287692113, email:
Priyo Pamungkas Kustiadi
Media Communication and Outreach
Jaringan Advokasi Tambang 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.38
vacancy: Editor dan Penerjemah
Label: lowongan kerja
PUSTAKA ALVABET menantang Anda, pecinta dan pemerhati buku untuk berkarier sebagai:
A. Editor Freelance, dengan kualifikasi:
1. Pria/wanita min. S1 semua jurusan.
2. Mengerti EYD dan Tata Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
3. mampu menyunting naskah hasil terjemahan maupun naskah lokal.
4. Mampu membaca dan menulis dengan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
5. Berwawasan luas.
6. Bersedia bekerja sama dengan tim.
7. Bisa mengikuti deadline ketat.
8. Hobi membaca.
9. Berpengalaman minimal satu tahun dalam dunia penerbitan buku.
B. Penerjemah Freelance Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris, kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Berpengalaman sebagai penerjemah bahasa Inggris atau Arab
2. Mempunyai minimal dua buku terjemahan (dari bahasa Inggris atau Arab) yang sudah terbit
3. Koperatif, disiplin, dan mampu bekerja sesuai deadline
4. Berwawasan luas di bidang tertentu (sosial, budaya, ekonomi, agama, dan politik).
Silakan kirim CV lengkap beserta portfolio Anda ke Divisi Redaksi Pustaka Alvabet,
melalui email ke
PT Pustaka Alvabet (Penerbit)
Jl. SMA 14 No. 10, Cawang, Kramat Jati,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia 13610
Telp. +62 21 8006458
Fax. +62 21 8006458 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.35
A. Editor Freelance, dengan kualifikasi:
1. Pria/wanita min. S1 semua jurusan.
2. Mengerti EYD dan Tata Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.
3. mampu menyunting naskah hasil terjemahan maupun naskah lokal.
4. Mampu membaca dan menulis dengan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
5. Berwawasan luas.
6. Bersedia bekerja sama dengan tim.
7. Bisa mengikuti deadline ketat.
8. Hobi membaca.
9. Berpengalaman minimal satu tahun dalam dunia penerbitan buku.
B. Penerjemah Freelance Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Inggris, kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Berpengalaman sebagai penerjemah bahasa Inggris atau Arab
2. Mempunyai minimal dua buku terjemahan (dari bahasa Inggris atau Arab) yang sudah terbit
3. Koperatif, disiplin, dan mampu bekerja sesuai deadline
4. Berwawasan luas di bidang tertentu (sosial, budaya, ekonomi, agama, dan politik).
Silakan kirim CV lengkap beserta portfolio Anda ke Divisi Redaksi Pustaka Alvabet,
melalui email ke
PT Pustaka Alvabet (Penerbit)
Jl. SMA 14 No. 10, Cawang, Kramat Jati,
Jakarta Timur, Indonesia 13610
Telp. +62 21 8006458
Fax. +62 21 8006458 0 komentar Diposting oleh ria permana sari di 22.35
Postingan (Atom)